Friday, June 12, 2020

Writing A Project Proposal For Leadership Training - 1925 Words

Writing A Project Proposal For Leadership Training (Coursework Sample) Content: Project Proposal for Leadership TrainingStudents NameInstitutional affiliationCourse name and numberDue dateExecutive SummaryJunior production company is a private company based in California which provides dairy products to its customers. Over the years, this company has maintained production of high quality products that satisfy the need of the customers. Recently, leaders at different departments have been unable to meet the needs of the employees and this has reduced their morale at the work place. This has also impacted on the companys performance which has been on a declining trend. To solve this problem, I propose a six-week training that will equip leaders with knowledge and skills that will enable leaders to develop programs that will be used to motivate employees, improve relationship between leaders and employees, amongst the employees and ultimately increase the overall performance of the organization. This will also help in attaining the mission and the vision of the company. This proposal seeks financial support from the companys Board of Directors to facilitate this program that I budget to cost $4150 for both the one-time cost and the recurring cost.Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0 Junior Production Company Background Information PAGEREF _Toc478500840 \h 41.2 Mission PAGEREF _Toc478500841 \h 41.3 Vision PAGEREF _Toc478500842 \h 41.4 The Problem PAGEREF _Toc478500843 \h 41.5 Solution to the Problem PAGEREF _Toc478500844 \h 51.6 Objectives of The Project PAGEREF _Toc478500845 \h 51.7 Target Participants PAGEREF _Toc478500846 \h 51.8 Projected Outcome PAGEREF _Toc478500847 \h 61.9 Project Request and Support Duration PAGEREF _Toc478500848 \h 72.0 Projected Success Indicators PAGEREF _Toc478500849 \h 72.1 Monitoring and Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc478500850 \h 82.2 Project Requirements PAGEREF _Toc478500851 \h 82.3 Time Plan PAGEREF _Toc478500852 \h 92.5 Projected Budget for the Training PAGEREF _Toc478500853 \h 10References PAGEREF _ Toc478500854 \h 11Endorsement signature PAGEREF _Toc478500855 \h 121.0 Junior Production Company Background InformationJunior Production Company is an ISO 9000 certified company providing milk products to customers based in California. It has 1200 employees who work in different departments of the company. The company was instituted in 2007 and has been providing services to its customers within California and the surrounding States. The management comprises of the factory manager, the production manager, information technology manager, marketing manager, human resource manager, accountants, supervisors and section heads. All this department are woven to enhance team work and competitiveness. This company works to fulfill the need of the consumers through quality products. The target population for JPC comprise of all individuals from the age of four years. To be competitive, the company maintains high quality of the products, advertises and gears sales production.1.2 MissionTo prov ide quality milk products to consumers and facilitate customer satisfaction.1.3 VisionTo be a leading multinational company in dairy products.1.4 The ProblemLeadership is a challenging role in an organization. To be a good leader, a manager need to integrate the products of experiences, shared vision and mission, company values and management of the employees. Junior Production Company (JPC) was founded 10 years ago, and over the years, (JPC) has been facing challenges in their management and in service provision to the employees and customers. Poor leadership has led to poor performance due to the failure of the managers and supervisors to adhere to the needs of the employees which has impacted on their morale. Furthermore, leaders have failed to put in place programs that reward employees who perform to the expectations of the company as well as punishing those who underperform. Due to this, employee productivity and innovation is limited and they do not offer their full capacity at the work place. Additionally, this has led to low market share, low sales, deteriorating profits, low innovation, loss of customers and poor employee relation that has led to job hopping to other companies.1.5 Solution to the ProblemTo solve these problems, I propose a six-week leadership training to equip leaders with the knowledge on how to relate, reward and build morale of the employees. This training will be attended four hours in a day exclusive of weekends.1.6 Objectives of The ProjectTo equip employees with skills on employee reward and involvementTo equip leaders with knowledge and skills on how to relate with the employees and to enhance good relation among the workers.To improve the companys performance through employee motivation.1.7 Target ParticipantsThe project targets leaders at different departments and levels in the company. In general, the participants comprise of six distinguished managers, three supervisors and eight section heads. These individuals will unde rgo a six-week training which will be facilitated by four certified facilitators who will be selected from four different organizations providing leadership training services in United States. Their selection will be based on their past performance and merit.1.8 Projected OutcomeAt the end of the training session, I expect that that leaders will be equipped with knowledge and skills that will enhance them to increase morale of the workers and also to increase their performance. This will be achieved through the attainment of objective one. Reward programs are going to be established that will enable the managers to reward those employees who will achieve the set targets of the company. However, programs will also be developed to counsel those who under perform in their roles so as to achieve the set goals of the firm. In addition, the morale of the workers is believed to be improved through involvement in decision making in the organization (Lundin, Paul, Christensen, 2000). Involv ing employees in decision making will give them a voice to be part of the organization planning and make projections on the ways in which new changes will be established without violating employees work atmosphere.Additionally, achieving objective two of the project will enable leaders to create good association with the employees. Good relationship between leaders and the employees will enable coordination and team work. Also, achieving objective two will enable leaders to gain knowledge on creating a good work relation among employees, enhancing equality and conflict management among the workers. According to Keet (2010) good conflict management enhance good work environment where employees share their knowledge and skills for the success of the company.At the end of the six months, I also expect the overall performance of the company to improve. This will basically result from the improved performance at different departments of the organization as projected. This is based on the fact that all department managers, supervisors and section heads will attend the training program that will prepare them with the knowledge on how to deal with the employees hence exploiting their full potential. Katzenbach and Beckett (1995) states that good leadership in an organization is key to its performance and competitiveness. Therefore, I suppose training leaders to deal with employees will help to improve the general performance of the organization through innovation and team work amidst all departments.To achieve these objectives, the training will be divided into six phases each phase made up of five days in a week. (See Table 1).1.9 Project Request and Support DurationThis project proposal seeks financial assistance for training JPC leaders. This team of trainees will comprise of 17 individuals who head different sections in the company. The total projected cost of the training program is $ 4150 (See Table 2). The support duration for this training will be six weeks an d evaluation and monitoring during the training and post training. The first evaluation and monitoring will be in form of an interview which will be held on the sixth week and will involve interviewing the trainees to identify their understanding of the training need. The second interview will be held four months after the training session to identify the impact of training leaders on employees motivation and general company performance as well as customer satisfaction.Subsequently, these trained managers, supervisors and section heads will train incoming leaders and therefore the cost will not be incurred again unless further training is needed.2.0 Projected Success IndicatorsAt the end of the training session the leaders should be able to understand ways of motivating employee and develop programs for their motivation. This will be an indicator of achieving objective one. On achieving objective two, a high level of relation and coordination among the employees will be achieved.Als o, the performance of every department is expected to improve and hence the general performance of the company. This will be a clear indication that objective three will be achieved.2.1 Monitoring and EvaluationA team of six members from Project Implementation and Analysis Company will be contracted to carry out the evaluation. The firs evaluation will be conducted on the sixth week of the training where trainees will be interviewed to identify their understanding of the training need. During this period, further recommendations will be delivered. The second interview will be held four month after the completion of the training session. This interview will involve interviewing employees so as to identify their level of satisfaction and programs initiated to reward them. Additional...

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